Electronic Signature & Digital Signature

Electronic Signature

Digital Signature

Electronic Signature

Digital Signature
Our Features
Our product are an electronics and a digital platform can apply for an electronic transaction for your business solution, security, flexible, and free API available.

Support Electronic Signature

Support Digital Signature

Easy Uploading Signature

PDF File

XML File

Security Database

Data Backup 3 Locations

Free API Integration

Multiple Devices
Support Multiple Devices, Fast, and Easy to Use.

How It Works
1. Register
You will need to register the email address that you wish to use in your eSigns account. Here, input your firstname, lastname, phone number, address, display name, and password.
2. Install Certificate
Uploading a certificate is the in your account. The system will use this certificate for digital sign your documents,
3. Digital Sign Upload
Digital sign upload pdf or xml file to digital sign (PADES or XADES) your documents.
4. Document Ready for Your Work
You can download and send an e-mail your sign documents to orther people.
What is an Eletronic Signature ?
An electronics signature can replace a handwritten signature.
It is a legal way to get consent or approval on electronic documents or forms.

What is a Digital Signature ?
Digital signature is a subset of an electronic signature that obviously security. it used to validate the authenticity a document. Digital signatures are significantly more secure than other forms of electronic signatures.
Use Cases
A digital signature on an e-Receipt/e-Tax Invoice of the PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority).
A digital signature on an e-Receipt/e-Tax Invoice from AIS (Telecommunication bill).
Verify Digital Signature System

You can check your digital signature on the PDF document by click on here
Electronic Signature & Digital Signature
Developed by Frevation Co., Ltd.
682 Moo 1 Borabu Borabu Mahasarakham, Thailand 44130
Tel : (+66) 82-579-8555
E-mail : support@esigns.cloud
Krit Sukavachana
Managing Director / Founder
My company provide both a digital signature & an electronics signature platform for your business.